Brillie History Page

After some research I discovered that the Brillié clock made in a village called Levalloise 6.4km from Paris, and so I emailled the official Levalloise web site and requested some information about the Brillié Factory. The following is some interesting information that was kindly supplied by Patrick BALKANY, Maire de Levallois, Député des Hauts-de-Seine.


This company is quite prestigious because it invented the first speaking clock of the Paris Observatory and many other precision equipment in various fields, she was the supplier of SNCF for years, the supplier of angélus for churches around the world, etc.

The company Brillié is created in Levallois in 1898 by Charles Vigreux and Lucien Brillié, under the name Charles SNC Vigreux and Lucien Brillié. The office address is 30 boulevard de Villiers.
In 1900/1910, the company called SNC Brillié Brothers. In 1912 or 1913, it changed its legal status to become SA Workshops Brillié Brothers, a name it retained until the end of its existence in 1981.

Its headquarters has been successively at 28 Boulevard de Villiers, rue Molière in Paris and then at 48 avenue de la Porte de Villiers. In 1981, both companies resumed the former SA: Another SA, also based in Levallois (SA Brillié Systems) and SCOP (Brillié SCOP) based in Montbrison (42). The SA Brillié Systems deposited stock in 1987. In 1936, the address change as a result of the annexation of the military zone by the City of Paris in 1930: Workshops BRILLIE are at 4 / 6 in the rue de Villiers. The brothers Marcel and Roger BRILLIE are both owners and declare an annual income of 15 360 F .

On the directory of traders and industrialists, they are included under the heading "electromechanical constructions" to 4, boulevard de Villiers .

On the eve of World War II, Mr. BRILLIE owns the site. "The workshops Brillié SA fabricate parts for mechanical watches. 60 workers are working

In the years 1950, the City of Levallois signs a contract with institutions BRILLIE for installing electric clocks and distributions of hours in some schools in the municipality

In 1986, the company BRILLIE System-48, avenue de Villiers in Levallois-installs a clock in the sports hall in the city .

The plant facilities BRILLIE disappear at the end of 1980 in connection with the renovation of the ZAC Front Paris

contributions from 1914. In 1914, M. is the owner of the premises occupied by industrial workshops Brothers BRILLIE to 30 de la rue de Villiers

Matrice for contributions of 1936

Indicator of Bijou 1934-1935, page 60.

Matrice of contributions for 1939

Proceedings of May 16, 1951 (f ° 146) and 29 September 1955 (f ° 284): submission Brillié: installing electric clocks and distribution of hours to the group Jules Ferry..

Invoice No 6403/1.

Permit to demolish No. 86.1381.

Le9 juillet 2007

Françoise LEGRAND

Archives municipales de Levallois