Replacement Deco Style Dial

I was quite attached to my deco style brillie as featured on the intro page of the site, but my Uncle took a fancy to it and in a moment of financial weakness I agreed to part with it. Over the years since, I've picked up a replacement, However nearly all the paint had flaked off the dial and the dial is what makes or breaks a clock I determined to make a replacement, My first attempts were printed on photographic paper on an ink jet printer, however over time the paper becomes discoloured, and goes wavey.
The next attemp I went all out. I spent many hours creating the master for this dial, I scanned an original dial and carefully restored the damaged parts and tidied the imperfections. This is a far higher resolution than an original Brillie dial and has been proffessionally printed by a dial printer onto aluminium.
This replacement dial is a permanent solution to flakey and damaged dials

price £35-00 + postage